Product Center

Product Name: Lifejacket DFY-II

Product Information:

Specified Standard:
SOLAS 74/78 as amended Reg. III/4, III/7, III/22, III/3, X/3
IMO Res. MSC.36(63) and MSC.97(73) [HSC code]
IMO Res. MSC.48(66) [LSA code] as ammended by MSC.207(81)
MSC.81(70) as ammended by MSC.200(80)


Name Life Jacket Marine Child Lifejacket
480×280×560 560×340×140 480×220×460 353×505×100
Weight <1.25KG <0.9KG <0.945KG <0.6KG
Buoyancy >190N >147N >155N >85N
Application The products are used in life saving for seamen and passengers on board vessels sailing on the sea, coast and river.

Latest Revised legislation on life jackets


SOLAS Chapter III regulation 7 is amended by MSC.201 (80). This amendment enters into force on July 1st 2010 and applies to vessels built on or after July 1st 1998 (built means date of keel-laying)

MSC.207 (81) gives further details in the LSA (Life Saving Appliances) Code of the SOLAS amendment, and also enters into force on July 1st 2010. In principle, MSC.207 (81) applies to lifejackets being produced or being placed on board after July 1st 2010.

The amendment of the LSA Code implies that a new type of lifejacket is introduced.

All ships (existing and new, EU and non-EU flagged) ships that (re)place lifejackets after June 30th 2010, should carry the new SOLAS 2010 lifejacket.

SOLAS Amendment: 
The SOLAS amendment affects both the testing standards (design) as well as the application of the lifejacket on board of passenger ships. The amendments add a new requirement for infant lifejackets. For passenger ships on voyages of less than 24 hours, a number of infant lifejackets equal to at least 2.5% of the number of passengers on board is to be provided. On board of passenger ships on voyages of 24 hours or greater, infant lifejackets are to be provided for each infant on board. A further amendment relates to the provision of lifejackets for larger passengers. This amendment states that, if the adult lifejackets provided are not designed to fit persons with a chest girth of up to 1,750 mm, a sufficient number of suitable accessories are to be available on board to allow them to be secured to such persons. 

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